Abu Usama

Statistician, with knowledge in Data Science and Data Analyst, I offer the best projects resulting in quality work.

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About Me.


Passionate about finding Data Insides with Python and R, I have years of experience and many clients are happy with the projects carried out.

  • My Skills Are: Python, R, Excel, Tableau, Power-BI, HTML, CSS, Git & GitHub, Canva.


Statistical Analysis

Offering expert statistical analysis services, backed by a Google Advanced Certified Data Analyst credential, to derive actionable insights from data.

Data Science

Leveraging comprehensive data science expertise, including a certificate from the University of Michigan, and IBM to transform raw data into valuable business insights.

Deep Learning

Specializing in Deep Learning with a certification from DeepLearning.AI's TensorFlow Developer program, we deliver cutting-edge solutions for complex AI and machine learning projects.



Movies Recommender system

🎬 Movie Recommender WebApp Summary: Our web app caters to movie enthusiasts by offering personalized recommendations. Simply enter a movie title into the search bar, and the app will suggest 5 related movies, helping you discover new cinematic gems. 🍿🌟📊


Book Recommender System

📚 Book Recommender Project: Dive into a world of literature with our recommender system. Get top 50 book lists and personalized suggestions for an enriched reading experience. 📖🌟📊

Data Explore

California Houses Analysis

📊 Data Analysis Project: Students explore the California Household Dataset, cleansing, selecting features, and applying regression models. Their mission: uncover insights, document their journey, and present their predictive masterpiece. 🌟🔮🚀


Road Accident Dashboard with Excel

📊 Excel Road Accident Project: Students embark on an Excel-driven exploration, analyzing road accident data, extracting insights, and crafting data-driven narratives with spreadsheets and formulas. This journey takes them from data exploration to reporting, with Excel as their trusty guide. 🚗📈🔍


Road Accident Dashboard with Tableau

🚗 Tableau Road Accident Project: Students delve into road accident mysteries, employing captivating visualizations to analyze data, identify patterns, and present a compelling narrative. With Tableau as their ally, they journey through data exploration and storytelling. 📊🛣️👁️


Road Accident Dashboard with Power-BI

🔌 Power BI Road Accident Project: Students embark on a data-driven adventure, using Power BI to explore road accident intricacies. With captivating visuals and interactive dashboards, they uncover trends and narrate their discoveries, journeying from data exploration to dynamic reporting. 🚗📊🌐

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